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Solutions By Zebra

Suite308, 100Canadian Rd.
M1R 4Z5
 Tel:   416-640-1511 

Fax:  905-722-7889 
 Cell: 416-526-0025 

EmTach Attaching System


EmTach Pistol-Grip Attacher Tools

A pistol-like grip permits maxmium comfort when tagging either flat or hanging goods. Shorter nose and easy-reach tag rest allow one-handed tagging for improved productivity over conventional model. The smooth trigger action and low weight of this tool, only three ounces, reduce opreator fatigue when fastening for long periods.

Avaiable in Standard, and Fine-Fabric Versions




Wide chice of needles

Needles available in Standard, Fine-Fabric, and Heavy Duty. Patented built-in cutting blade eliminates time consuming blade adjustment and replacements.


Widest selection of fastners available

                            · Increase productivity with quick loading, tangle-free fasteners

                            · Use on every fabric from delicates to denims


Paddle End



General Purpose: General Purpose: General Purpose: Heavy Duty Only"
1.5",3"lengths 1",2"',3" lengths 1.5",2"lengths 0.5",1",5",9"lengths
Heavy Duties: Heavy Duties:
1",2"',3" lengths 1.5"lengths
Ideal for pairing  Connected paddle For hanging goods
gloves and mittens. end design eliminates
tangling.Available in
fine fabric,general
purpose, and heavy
duty strength.


Fine Fabric          Paddle End
Slim profile fastners
which protect lingerie,
infantwear, and fine

Fastners for proof tagging of hard goods


Our unique shield virtually eliminates ticket-switching. The multi-purpose Lock-Loop is ideal for pairing shoes or for fastening price tags to luggage, sporting goods,hardware,appliances, even plants.

*Choice of 3",5",9" lenghts

*Standard,Super for Super TachII


A tight, wrap-around fastner. Flexible high tensile nylon adjusts to any of 40 size, to provide a "custom-fit" that will not release after application. Ideal for wrapping, bundling, tying and tagging.

*Adjusts from 1-3/8" to tiny 1/16"

*Choice of 10 colors



Wide selection of tags

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