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Solutions By Zebra

Suite308, 100Canadian Rd.
M1R 4Z5
 Tel:   416-640-1511 

Fax:  905-722-7889 
 Cell: 416-526-0025 

Consecutive Labeling

      We are glad of drawing your attention on our new product Printex consecutive labeler,
a highly innovative modern article for the textile field.

      Printex is an axtremely light labeller with a simple, compact structure. It is really easy to use and thanks to its many advantages it shortens the production time encreasing the productivity standards.




  1. Simple quick cleaning and maintenance
  2. Light and funcional
  3. Simple selection of the single, double and fixed  numbring
  4. All the spare parts are avaible on request.
  5. It is the only consecutive labeler using 22 x 9 labels



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