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 Paper Rolls 
Suite308, 100Canadian Rd.
M1R 4Z5
 Tel:   416-640-1511 

Fax:  905-722-7889 
 Cell: 416-526-0025 

Peel and Stick Labels

The labels we supply are used in hundreds of different applications and the customers buying them range from Fortune 100 companies to small entrepreneurs launching a new product.

Candle Labels Beer Bottle Stickers
3" x 7" (Typical Large Glass Canister) 3" x 7" (Typical 12oz Full Wrap)
Coffee Bag Stickers Water Bottle Labels
2.5" x 5" (Typical 1lb) 2.25" x 7" (Typical 16.9oz)
Vitamin Bottle Stickers Bumper Stickers
2.5" x 6" (Typical 120cc) 3" x 10" (Vinyl with UV Gloss Laminate)
Wine Labels Tea Tin Stickers
4" x 5" (Typical) 3" x 7.5" (Typical 6oz Tin)
Marinade Bottle Labels Paint/Stain Stickers
2.25" x 7" (Typical 9oz) 6" x 6.5" (Typical 1 Gallon Pail)

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